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The Grit Factor with Shannon Huffman Polson

Tenacity, determination, grit and an innate ability to lead has defined Shannon Huffman Polson. An adventurous young woman, she summited Mount McKinley (now Denali) and, at the time, was the youngest woman to complete the attempt. From there, she was commissioned in the Army and was one of the first women to fly the Apache attack helicopter. Through her leadership and aviation skills she earned the right to lead two flight platoons and was the first woman to command an Apache flight company in the 2nd Infantry Division. With real-world stories and insights from in and out of the cockpit, she offers tangible leadership lessons for audience members to seek out their own targets and, where passion and purpose intersect, incorporate them into their own lives. By examining everyday leadership and situational challenges, Shannon empowers others to effectively lead and thrive in any dynamic environment.

Private event for Category 3 HERicanes (female collegiate athletes) of Santa Clara University Softball Team.

October 25

Maintaining Balance and Your Mental Health with Alicia Wilson

November 3

Embracing Your Confidence with Shannon “Grizz" Cary