Our Founders

  • Lara and Gavin Harris

  • Lara and Gavin Harris are on a mission to unravel social norms and paradigms that limit and marginalize based on gender. After a series of events that underscored the prevalence of inequities in the treatment and expectations of girls and boys, as well as women and men, they decided they wanted to be part of the disruption.

    Lara, with a background in evidence-based community health programming and nonprofit program management, a passion for holistic health and the power of the personal journey, and a commitment to raising her own little girls to be bold leaders, brings her own history of both marginalization and empowerment to the HERicanes mission.

    Gavin, a lifelong youth sports coach and bonafide Girl Dad, with expertise in scalability and operations, as well as a natural ability to connect, unify, and harmonize others for the common good, has been a feMENist since he was a child and is a proud and principled promoter of gender equality.

    Turning their passion project into a for-impact organization, Lara and Gavin seek to educate, inspire, and enrich the lives of as many girls and young women as possible. They want their own four daughters, and every girl and woman, to know their value, be confident in their identities, thrive in their own skin, and embrace the boundless possibilities for their lives.

Our Advisory Council